About the Finer Sports

I’m Sarah Rasher, the human behind The Finer Sports. I’m a former youth recreational figure skater, and I still skate for fun from time to time. It was clear by middle school that I was better at writing than landing double jumps. In 2015, in the midst of a career change, I wanted a place to showcase my writing skills for potential clients, and a website called SportsBlog offered to handle my advertising and SEO as long as I wrote about sports. I’d written professionally about football, hockey, and tennis in the past, but figure skating was my first and greatest love. In late 2016, following some changes to SportsBlog, I got my own domain and moved the blog here. I’ll keep writing it until it’s not fun anymore.

In addition to figure skating, I have strong opinions about Star Trek, Marvel comics, baking, popular music, Broadway musicals, and cocktails. I have a Ph.D. in English, a small family business, and two elderly cats. I identify as queer and use they/them pronouns. My favorite figure skater of all time is Kurt Browning, and I believe the IJS is a big improvement on 6.0. I am ornery but loyal.